Bengaluru SaaS Meetup - Profitability v/s Growth and Customer Success for early stage startups
The SaaS ecosystem of Bengaluru gear up to learn from a founder of an acquired startup about their journey and an operator who is a leader in the customer success space on March 2nd, 2024.
We are hosting a meetup of SaaS founders and operators in Bengaluru on the 2nd of March, 2024. The discussion is going to be around how a founder needs to take a stand while keeping profitability or growth in mind, you will hear from a founder who had to make these hard choices. While you think of building your organisation from the ground up, it is important to keep in mind the way you serve customers after closing a sale. This is where customer success becomes important.
For this edition of the SaaS Founder Meetup, we have two great speakers lined up:
Our first speaker is Thiagarajan Rajagopalan, Founder at Tripeur, now acquired by Navan. Thia will be sharing his insights on how Tripeur managed to grow in times of adversity, growing till it's eventual acquisition by Navan.
Our second speaker is Apoorva Sudarshan, Director of Customer Success at SpotDraft, and has been with Mixpanel and Branch previously working on sales and customer success. A customer success leader is going to shed light on what early-stage founders need to focus on from a customer success perspective.
Thanks as always to our co-sponsors Pentathlon Ventures and Efficient Capital Labs.
ScaleItRight have enabled us to go live.
Please register to get an invite. Exact location will be sent to confirmed participants.