"ABM is all about building high quality relationship with your customers, the ROI will follow."
If you are an early stage founder and exploring if Account Based Marketing (ABM) be a fit in your startup context and the initial steps you need to take implement ABM with your organization, then this session would be perfect for you.
We have roped in Yaagneshwaran Ganesh (popularly known as Yaag) is an award-winning marketer, an author, podcaster and a TEDx speaker. He is recognized by The World Marketing Congress as one of the Marketing Mavericks, in association with the World Federation of Marketing Professionals. Yaag is the Director of Marketing at Avoma.
Yaag is also the host of The ABM Conversations Podcast, the no.1 podcast for marketing and sales professionals in the B2B SaaS industry that has featured marketing hegemons such as Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki, Rand Fishkin, David Cancel, Scott Brinker, and more.
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Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tjq_yGjzQiKhisWyWJf5uw
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